Friday, October 10, 2008

48th Ward Update

In This Issue
Early Voting Begins October 13
Property Tax Appeals
Selective Schools Application Deadline
Loyola Donation
Mental Health Training
Free Flu Shots
Free Rides for Disabled
Medication Turn-in
Block Party Permits
Condo Refuse Rebates

Early Voting Begins October 13

Early voting will begin Monday, October 13 and run through Thursday, October 30. You can vote at 51 sites including: · Chicago Board of Elections, 69 W. Washington · Edgewater Library, 1210 W. Elmdale · Truman College, 1145 W. Wilson· 48 Other locations Hours at all locations are Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Board of Elections location also is open Sunday 9 a.m. - Noon. All of Chicago's Early Voting sites are 100% accessible. If you are a registered voter, you don't need a reason or excuse to use the convenience of Early Voting. When voting early, you must bring a valid state ID.

Once you cast a ballot during Early Voting, you cannot return during Early Voting or on Election Day to change your ballot for any reason. If you are unable to vote early or on election day, you can still vote absentee. To do so, you need to download a form to request an absentee ballot. The deadline for requesting an Absentee Ballot is October 31, but you are urged to send in your application as soon as possible as the ballot is sent to you via U.S. mail.

If you missed the deadline for registering to vote, a new state law gives you a "grace period" from Wednesday, October 8 through Thursday, October 21. During the grace period, you can register to vote or change your address at the Chicago Board of Elections, 69 W. Washington. You must vote at the time you register. When registering during the grace period, you need to show two (2) valid pieces of identification; at least one piece must have your current address. The Board of Elections is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Property Tax Questions and Appeals

The second installment of property tax bills are out and due by Monday, November 3. If you have any questions about your bill, e.g., you haven't received an exemption to which you are entitled or want to appeal your taxes, you should contact the Cook County Assessor's Office at (312) 443-7550 or go to the Assessor's website.

Property tax assessment is a function of the County. If you need additional help in solving a problem, contact County Commissioner Mike Quigley at (773) 935-1010.

Apply Now for Selective Chicago Public School Programs

"Options for Knowledge" offers Chicago school students the opportunity to apply to selective enrollment schools, magnet schools, magnet cluster schools, open enrollment schools, regional gifted centers, classical schools, academic centers and International Baccalaureate preparatory programs.

The deadline to apply to either high school or elementary school programs is December 19. You can get information about the various programs as well as the application forms by going to the Options for Knowledge website. Additional information about specific programs can be found at the Gifted and Enrichment Programs website.

Parents can learn about the various school options and meet principals, faculty and students at two upcoming school fairs.

The annual High School Fair will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2008, from 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. at McCormick Place, 2301 S. King Drive. In addition, the first Options for Knowledge Elementary School Fair, Saturday, October 25, 9 a.m. - 12 noon, at IIT's Hermann Hall Conference Center, 3241 S. Federal, will give parents information about specific programs and the application, selection and notification process.

Loyola Donation Greens the Ward

Thanks to a generous donation from Loyola University, several sites around the 48th Ward are significantly greener. Loyola donated $10,000 worth of trees, shrubs and perennials to Edgewater and Rogers Park organizations.

About 300 plants were given to the Senn Park planning group which used the plants to create a new garden in an empty lot at Thorndale and Greenview. The Park District planted the trees and shrubs, and more than 50 students and neighbors planted 150 smaller plants.

Goudy School received more than two dozen trees and shrubs to add to the new campus park, and about 100 plants were given for the BARGE gardens.

The community will be hosting an event to dedicate the new Thorndale-Greenview Garden and to thank Loyola and its president, Father Garanzani, for their generosity.

Free Mental Health First Aid Training

The Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (C-4) is offering a free 12-hour training on Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) on Thursday and Friday, October 30 and 31, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., at their offices at 4740 N. Clark.

Designed to help members of the general public support an individual experiencing a mental health crisis, it is appropriate for people who work with the public (e.g., primary health care, teachers, public welfare workers, college resident advisors) as well as anyone who wants to feel more comfortable assisting someone with a mental health problem. The course does not train a person to diagnose or act as a mental health professional, rather it teaches how to help someone before professional treament is available.

Registrations will be accepted until October 23. To register, contact Maria Chavez at (773) 765-0814.

Free Flu Shots October 21

Alderman Smith is happy to make free flu shots available to all residents on Tuesday, October 21 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. This year the shots will be given at the Broadway Armory, 5917 N. Broadway. Parking is available on the street or at the City parking lot next door.

There are no age or income restrictions to getting the free shots.

If you have any questions about the flu vaccine or shots, please call 311 and ask for the Department of Public Health.

City-wide Clean and Green October 18

Saturday, October 18 is the date for Mayor Daley's annual Citywide Fall Clean & Green.
You can sign up to be part of a group or organize your own group to help beautify our community by cleaning up and recycling accumulated litter and trash. The City will work with your organization to provide the brooms, rakes, shovels and bags you'll need to get the job done.

Call 311 to register or for more information.

Free Rides Expanded to Disabled

The "Seniors Ride Free" program, which allows seniors to ride free on all fixed transit systems, including the CTA, RTA and Pace, has been extended to people with disabilities who are enrolled in the State's Circuit Breaker program by October 24, 2008. Circuit Breaker helps reduce the impact of property taxes and prescription medicines on seniors and persons with disabilities. To request a Circuit Breaker application, call 1-800-252-8966 or visit the State Circuit Breaker website.

20th District Medication Turn-in

The 20th District Community Policing Office, at 5400 N. Lincoln, will accept unwanted medications the second Wednesday and second Saturday of each month from 8:30 a.m. - Noon. They will then dispose of these medications safely. Used needles will not be accepted.

Block Party and Garage Sale Permits

If you are planning on holding a block party or garage sale, you must have a City permit. To obtain a permit, just come into Alderman Smith's office at 5533 N. Broadway and fill out an application form. You will need proof of residency.

We aks that you request your permit 30 days in advance so that we have sufficient time to notify all the city departments involved. We also have to monitor the number of parties in an area to minimize traffic problems and avoid gridlock.Garage Sale Permits can be issued the same day as you come in, but we do request 48 hours notice.

Deadline Nears for Condo Refuse Rebate Requests

December 1, 2008 is the deadline for building associations to file for the refuse rebate for 2007. With this program, all condominium associations, coop apartment buildings and townhouses that are not eligible for City refuse collection services can receive the rebate which is $75 per residential unit or the amount of the refuse bills for the filing period, whichever is less.
You can get a copy of the application form and instructions for filing by calling Sandy Thomas in Alderman Smith's office, (312) 744-6860 or coming into the Ward office, 5533 N. Broadway.

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